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Nurse's Corner

Nurse's Corner

Kate Versluis, RN

Medications at School

Your child may have an illness that requires medication for relief or cure that does not prevent him or her from attending school. When possible, such medications should be scheduled to be taken at home. However, according to Texas State Legislature and Hillsboro ISD Board of Trustee policy, a medication may be dispensed to a student by school personnel with parental consent.

Please see HISD’s Medication Administration Policy for requirements that must be met by the parent or legal guardian requesting this service.

Vaccine Requirements

Immunizations are an important part of public health, and state law requires students in Texas schools to be immunized against certain vaccine-preventable diseases.

Please be aware that students without the proper documentation of the required immunizations or a valid exemption will not be allowed to attend school. If you need help determining which vaccines your child needs for the school year and when to get the vaccines, please contact your child's doctor or immunization clinic.

For information on where you can take your child to get free or reduced-cost vaccines call 2-1-1. This is a three digit toll free number that provides information on health and social services for your area. You may also call the Immunization Branch Customer Service number (800) 252-9152 if you have questions or need additional information.